Andre R Guillet

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Rank: SMSgt

Entered Into Eternal Rest

SMSgt Andre R. Guillet was born on December 17, 1943 and joined the Armed Forces while in WATERBURY, CT.  He served as a 30474 in the Air Force, 606 ACS, and attained the rank of SMSgt/E8.  ANDRE ROLAND GUILLET is listed as Missing in Action (as of 1973). You can find ANDRE ROLAND GUILLET honored on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on Panel 7E, Row 81.  "Gombey" FAC Air Commando Andre Guillet MIA Laos 18 May 66.

Andre Guillet was a Combat controller shot down In Laos over 41 years ago. Recent new info on his loss is available at the below web site. New data is forth coming.  Andre was my friend and neighbor. Paul Parkosewich has been working with Andre’s family for over 21 years to get his full accounting. <br />
Please visit <a href=""></a> to get current information.

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