Donald W East

Rank: SMSgt
Entered Into Eternal Rest
Don passed of natural causes a couple years ago. Here is what we put out on the net at the time. Don was a very influential figure in the CCT community as well as being a silver star recipient.
<b>Passing of SMSgt(ret) Don East</b>
It is with sadness we pass along a message to the Combat Control School Heritage Foundation from Don's son Sean:
<i>"In regards to untimely death of former Commandant, SMSgt Donald East on 11/1/2021. Arrangements will be made for an Arlington burial within the next 3 to 6 months and will inform the Museum with details when burial date is so former teammates can pay their respects. Son, Sean East"</i>
A Vietnam Veteran, member of the "Langley Motorcycle Gang" and having multiple assignments at Pope on the Pope Team and finally at the Combat Control School, Don led from the front physically and mentally, holding a very high standard for himself and his fellow controllers. Many of us were better Combat Controllers for having served with him.
<b>Silver Star Citation</b>
Staff Sergeant Donald W. East, Jr. distinguished himself by gallantry in connection with military operations against an opposing armed force at a landing zone in Northern Cambodia, from 23 June 1970 to 25 June 1970.
On those dates, Sergeant East was providing Air Traffic Control to C-47, C-123, and C-7A aircraft in the evacuation of three thousand Cambodia refugees when his field came under attack by rockets, mortars and advancing ground forces.
With complete disregard for his own safety, he climbed upon his MRC-148 radio vehicle to give takeoff instructions to three C-7A aircraft who were helpless targets of the attack.
From his open and unprotected position, he directed the immediate safe departure of the three aircraft. His courageous actions saved the lives of many Army of the Republic of Vietnam Ranger and Cambodia defenders who were waiting departure from the field, as well as 200-300 Cambodian refugees; men, women and children who were still at the field.
By his gallantry and devotion to duty Sergeant East has reflected great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.
El Jaffer Jordan, July 1985 Standing- Jordanian SF, Major Steve Scott, Jordanian Major, SSgt Ron Childress, SMSgt Don East, SSgt Steve Miller - (crouched) Capt Ron Watkins 2 more Jordanian SF
Volant Rodeo Team Formation
Don East and Frank (Mike) Marino members of the Pope Team 1st place Volant Rodeo '79.... Collapse
He received a silver star while in Vietnam at a young age. So not was he always fit but great as an Air Traffic Controller. He had a bit of a swagger to him that guys teased him about, but I think they were a bit jealous of him.
He would fix his hair a lot by taking off a hat or beret while trying to find a mirror. That drew a lot of teasing. He was a great leader and mentor. [IMG_pbMWnN4.jpg] [IMG_ujEFIo7.jpg] [IMG_ojvAGbS.jpg] [IMG_FJhf2rN.jpg]... Collapse