Everett M Robbins
Rank: Maj
Entered Into Eternal Rest
To our fellow combat controllers and friends, we note our own great sense of loss in the death of Robbie, age 66. In unique ways, it was our joy to share in some of Robbies most significant moments in life; those times and places which were alternating between the frightful and demanding, and times of joy and sharing which I opine can only be savored by soldiers, combatants, and warriors. The Holy Bible says, “There is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. ” Dear comrades, even with our disability to articulate the matter in careful words, as combat controllers, along with Robbie, we long ago learned what is the glue! It indeed is the sharing and caring; the hard places; and training; and deployment, and the taking up the work for our Nations freedom, even in war, and to the death. Robbie indeed knew! He showed forth his awareness with his deeds and his life. He came up through the ranks — all the while mindful of the great and grave importance of working, leading, and serving our flag as a team! Combat Control Teams! Robbies spirit would even now join us in our rallying cry “First In – Last Out! ”
Charlie Jones, Chaplain,
Combat Control Association