Jeremy J Fresques

Rank: Captain
Entered Into Eternal Rest
While deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, Captain Jeremy Fresques of Hurlburt Field’s 23rd Special Tactics Squadron was killed in an Iraqi Air Force Comp Air 7SL aircraft accident in the desert of Eastern Iraq on May 30th.
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Five Airmen killed in Iraqi crash<br />
5/31/2005 – BAGHDAD, Iraq (AFPN) — Four U.S. Airmen and one Iraqi airman were killed May 30 when an Iraqi air force Comp Air 7SL aircraft crashed in eastern Diyala province during an operational mission.<br />
The aircraft belonged to Iraqi’s 3rd Squadron and is a single engine high-winged aircraft used for surveillance and movement of people. The Iraqi air force had seven of these aircraft in its inventory.<br />
The crash happened near Jalula which is about 50 miles northeast of Ba’qubah. The aircraft left Kirkuk Air Base at about 10 a.m. on a mission to Jalula.<br />
An Iraqi civilian reported the crash to Joint Communications Center officials in Khanaqin at noon. Iraqi and coalition forces in the area responded to the crash site and secured the immediate area.