L V Lewis

Rank: Unknown
Entered Into Eternal Rest
1 entry.
CMSgt LV Lewis, a legend among us troops who served with him. Am amazed so little is written here regarding LV. At least 2 maybe 3 recorded combat jumps in Europe and Korea. He was well over 6’ in hgt and at least 235#. He’d be last out the door and first on the ground. Myself and several others have stories around our much respected and loved LV.
CMSgt LV Lewis, a legend among us troops who served with him. Am amazed so little is written here regarding LV. At least 2 maybe 3 recorded combat jumps in Europe and Korea. He was well over 6’ in hgt and at least 235#. He’d be last out the door and first on the ground. Myself and several others have stories around our much respected and loved LV.... Collapse