Peter J Neal

Rank: SSgt

Entered Into Eternal Rest

His death is a tragic and needless one. Pete was obviously in great pain and unable to confide in any friend or family member for whatever reason.

This tragedy however<u>DOES NOT</u>diminish the man that was. Pete served his country with great honor and pride.

More importantly he was a great friend to all. He was the kind of man that would literally give you the shirt off his back in a snow blizzard.

Let us remember…..

"Suicide is not chosen; it happenswhen pain exceedsresources for coping with pain. "

God Bless You All

Leave a Memory

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1 entry.
Ralph Humphrey wrote on March 25, 2022
Still thinking about you my friend, teammate and PT Beast. Hy
Still thinking about you my friend, teammate and PT Beast. Hy... Collapse