Richard L Foxx

Rank: TSgt

Entered Into Eternal Rest

TSgt Richard L. Foxx was born on February 22, 1932.  He served in the Air Force.  In 12 years of service, he attained the rank of TSGT/E6.  On October 15, 1962, at the age of 30, RICHARD L. FOXX perished in the service of our country in South Vietnam, Darlac.  TSgt Richard L. Foxx, Call Sign "Dora Corn" shot down (U-10) while supporting Operation Powder Blue 15 Oct 62.

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1 entry.
Nolan Hargrave wrote on July 4, 2022
We will be honoring TSgt Foxx at the Forward Air Controllers Reunion at the Wings Over the Rockies Museum in Denver, Colorado on October 18, 2022. Family members and anyone who knew him are invited to attend.
We will be honoring TSgt Foxx at the Forward Air Controllers Reunion at the Wings Over the Rockies Museum in Denver, Colorado on October 18, 2022. Family members and anyone who knew him are invited to attend.... Collapse