Ronald G Wilson

Rank: Maj
Entered Into Eternal Rest
Major Ronald George Wilson (ret.), beloved husband, father, and grandfather, drew his last breath December 24th, 2019, mainly, we suspect, to prevent himself from having to watch another NBA player pound his chest in pride after dunking a ball. “You’re 6’7 ” for God sake, I sure hope you can dunk. It’s not an accomplishment to be proud of. ” While generally a no non-sense, yes or no guy, he spent his last years in a confused state, for he had come to root for both Duke and Carolina. We know … sad.
Ron was born May 21, 1934 in Philadelphia, PA. He left Philly at the age of 17 to join the US Marine Corp. He served in the Korean War ( “It was more than a conflict, I know, they were shooting at me. “) He fulfilled his military career with time served in each of the Marines, Army and Air Force. Major Wilson was first and foremost a paratrooper, made over 700 jumps, and was most proud of his time in the 82nd Airborne and the United State Air Force’s Special Operations Combat Control team. Nothing ever provided him as much of a sense of comradery and honor than his eternal bond and association with military members, past and present. While stationed at Fort Bragg he met “My Love ” Linda, married her in 1957, and together raised three sons.
Upon retiring from the military and its high standards, Ron decided he needed a new challenge but wanted to maintain the discipline he had become accustom. He became a 7th grade teacher at Southern Pines Middle School. In seeking even higher levels of dedication and emotional toughness, Ron became and remained the longtime coach of the Blue Knights’ Girls basketball team. His years as a coach and teacher afforded hundreds of children and parents exposure to Ron’s magnanimous personality. Half a dozen or so of these folks might speak of him fondly if pressed.
Subsequent to his second retirement from Moore County Schools, Major/Coach Wilson remained in Southern Pines and was far too willing to strike up a conversation with anyone willing to chat (can we not just quickly run into Harris Teeter and grab a gallon of milk?). Ron leaves behind a loving family in his wife, Linda, his children, R. Terry, Christopher, & Dennis, eight grandkids and two great-grandkids.
In lieu of flowers, please take the time to genuinely talk to someone you otherwise wouldn’t, particularly if he/she is a US military veteran and, if able, make a donation to the Alzheimer’s Association. Major/Coach Wilson would love the conversation and appreciate your generosity.
Stand UP, Hook UP, Major Wilson, your last jump is now.