Thomas J Monley

Rank: MSgt

Entered Into Eternal Rest

The first enlisted combat controller awarded the Silver Star Medal for Gallantry was TSgt Thomas J. Monley while providing Air Traffic Control for DZ/EZ/LZ operations at Khe Sahn Support Base, RVN during the 1968 TET Offensive.

On 25 February 1968, TSgt Monley repeatedly exposed himself to enemy mortar and artillery fire while removing two burning pallets of mortar rounds from the ramp of an arrival aircraft. He secured the burning pallets at a safe distance from the aircraft, its crew and support personnel without regard for his personal safety. His actions that day averted extensive loss of life and equipment and, in the best CCT tradition, allowed a continuous flow of aircraft re-supply missions.

Tom retired in 1978 after serving 26.5 years in the military. He and his lovely wife Casey presently reside in Gulf Breeze, Florida. Tom… The CCA salutes you!!

NOTE: The TET Offensive began on 30 January 1968 and was a major push by the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong against US and RVN forces. Khe Sahn was under siege for 77 days with CCT members playing a significant role in re-supply and sustainment against overwhelming odds. One hundred ninety nine American troops were killed during the siege and an estimated 9000-plus enemy troops were killed.

By Clyde Howard

Age 76

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